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New Prediction Factors for Divorce
HUS Survey: Key Findings
Overcoming Social Anxiety in Dating
What Mixed Messages Really Mean
Phenomenal Woman, That’s You
Comforting Marriage Statistics
On the Folly of Faking Interest in Casual Sex

The problem with this brand of hate is that the people they hate so much are too busy living and being happy to care, while they obsessively wallow in their imaginary masterplan to destroy them, lol.

He should probably also consider Psychologists again since he isn’t even familiar enough with them to spell the word correctly in the first place!

Lady Raine | January 5, 2011 at 7:36 PM |
No More Mr Nice Guy said:

On hookingupsmart, Susan Walsh has a post ”
Eleven Key Insights From the Men of Hooking Up Smart” and here what these guys believe :

– 20% of the men have 80% of the sex.
– A woman doesn’t have to be great in bed to get and keep a man.
– Men care by the sexual past of women.
– Men don’t want to have female friends.

And after that these guys wonder why they cannot get laid

Susan needs to just stop offering advice to women based on the verbal ego-stroking of random guys who don’t date, anyway. She should go around and actually start checking out the truth about what men want and are looking for and she’d find herself to be quite surprised. Men want nothing more than to be loved by a woman who simply has her own life, a little confidence, and makes him feel good when she’s with him (ie: she’s fun, smart, and has a good sense of humor).

The looks, the “sexual history”, and the presence of friendship (or lack thereof) are the least of their REAL concerns or real interest. A man who is genuinely seeking a relationship would date a jobless, penniless, average looks/average brains woman if she was good to him and he felt like he could enjoy his time spent with her. Men have simple needs and most of them have nothing to do with sex, looks, or any of the other nonsense Susan spouts.

Merci pour notre partenaire sur les couteaux japonais .